Mission and Goals

Stained glass Sacristy window. All Saints’ Episcopal Church, West Plains, Missouri.

All Saints’ Episcopal Church in West Plains, Missouri, is known as “the little white church with the bright red doors and a big heart.” Our motto reads, As a small, rural church, we are united as one in Christ’s Body to witness and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The Mission and Vision Statements guiding our small, yet committed, congregation of approximately 85 parishioners capture our spirit in the declaration that All Saints is to be a family church filled with a congregation of loving parishioners of Christ following the Episcopal liturgical tradition.

We strive to be a church and growing congregation that:

  • embraces diversity and welcomes all people into our community of faith;
  • establishes pastoral care as the primary importance;
  • prioritizes youth and outreach ministries so children are happy and want to participate;
  • charges the priest and people with proclaiming God’s Word to all people, especially reaching individuals not affiliated with a church;
  • maintains the historical church building and rectory, while keeping all other church facilities in good working order;
  • demonstrates commitment to financial responsibility and stewardship;
  • serves as a Christian family and gives back to our community and the world;
  • grows in faith by communion with one another through the worship and study of His Word.

Financially, All Saints has no debt other than low monthly bills. We support ourselves entirely on our congregational offerings and investment income. However, our financial resources are limited reflecting the local economy. To show our continuing commitment to stewardship, All Saints’ parishioners have voted to give 5% of their monthly income to outreach. Recipients of the 5% giving will be selected on a rotating basis by members of the Vestry. All Saints’ Church supports the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) annually with recent support for clean water initiatives including well drilling in the developing world.

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