The congregation at All Saints reflects a wonderful balance of families who have been an essential part of the region for many generations and families who are relatively new to the area. Although some of the same names and faces appear in our documents year after year, many new names and faces have become welcomed and active members of the congregation blending tradition with change in ways that are positive and productive. Members are always encouraged to contribute to the work of the church in any way possible and to participate in the activities, programs, and special events.
Each Sunday, All Saints offers two worship services. The early service is held at 8:30 a.m. (usually without music) and the regular service is held at 10:30 a.m. (usually with music).
Coffee hour is held from 9:15 a.m.-10:30 a.m. each Sunday, accommodating parishioners attending each service. Sunday School is not available at this time, as we are searching for a new Sunday School teacher, Our last teacher felt the call and became ordained as Mother Anne, and has accepted a position near Jefferson City. Once a month, on the third Sunday of the month a potluck luncheon is held immediately following the 10:30 service.
The Church Vestry meets every third Sunday at 9:30a.m. following the early service.
Financially, All Saints has no debt other than low monthly bills. We support ourselves entirely on our congregational offerings and investment income. However, our financial resources are limited reflecting the local economy. To show our continuing commitment to stewardship, All Saints’ parishioners have voted to give 5% of their monthly income to outreach. Recipients of the 5% giving will be selected on a rotating basis by members of the Vestry. All Saints’ Church supports the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) annually with recent support for clean water initiatives including well drilling in the developing world.