What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is all we do after we say, We believe in God. It is our offering of ourselves to God in thanksgiving for God’s gifts to us, including, to paraphrase the Prayer Book, our creation, preservation, and the blessings of our lives, but above all, for God’s “immeasurable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace and for the hope of glory.” God has freely given to us, and when we give freely and generously give to God, we participate in God’s continuing work in the church and world. I invite you to declare your faith in God by making your financial gift to All Saints’ Episcopal Church today.

Where does All Saints’ Church’s money come from?

Eighty-nine percent of our 2017 revenues came from the commitment made by our parishioners and plate offerings. The remaining 11 percent comes from other sources of income, including earnings and interest on investment balances. We depend on the giving of our parishioners to maintain the many and diverse ministries that make up the church’s daily life.

Where does the money go?

All Saints’ Episcopal Church is committed to responsible stewardship of what is given. Each year, the Vestry plans our budget and evaluates each expense in light of our overriding mission – “All Saints welcomes ALL to come and be fed, seek and love God and serve each person as Christ” and the vision for All Saints’ Church as set by the Parish Vestry: “All Saints’ Episcopal Church will grow as a thriving community in the heart of West Plains, recognized for ministry to our congregation, community, and world.”

Donate now

You can make donations or pledge payments from your checking account via PayPal or with any major credit or debit card. Please note that the donation will be directed to The Diocese of West Missouri’s account, but they will absorb all the processing costs and forward your full donation to us.

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